Tuesday, August 3, 2010

SNTV Debut Live On Sunset....

Well, well, well ello maties it's me again. For the past several weeks now I have been going crazy from one event to another. It's been absolutely insane for me but in a good way. Nevertheless I'm extremely exhausted.

Vier (cameraman), Ian, Neha & Me
One of those crazy events or projects that I am involved in is a new entertainment network called SNTV or Symbiotic Nation Television. I'm co-hosting a new show that interviews various people from all around the various creative industries. Whether it be up incoming or already established people in the industry, SNTV's plan is to shed new light on the various creative talents that entertain millions of people everyday.  Their plans are to feature talent from the music industry, film & TV industry, comic book, gaming, pop culture you name it SNTV will be featuring it.

One of SNTV's other main objectives with the show is to hear and give advice to other talent that may be watching to inspire them to fully realize that their dreams are attainable.  We just finished shooting the first of several interviews for the debut webisodes on the Sunset Strip over at Live On Sunset in West Hollywood.

Interviewing Elyse from Elyse & The Aftermath
If the name sounds familiar LOS was originally the old location for the world famous Sunset Tower Records. A lot of great history and bands performed at that record store. We had a fabulous time while we were shooting. My partner in crime from down under Mr. Ian Hopkinson was co-host for the festivities.

Interviewing actor Kevin Bowers
We had some great guests for our debut show.  Singer songwriters Rochella Brown, Neha Kent, Elyse Haren (Elyse & The Aftermath) & Actor Kevin Bowers (True Blood, 24) rounded out the show. I'm really excited about this project and what it means. Stay tuned for more details for the premiere episodes out later this year. Until next time.


Special Thanks

Xavier Moreno
Live On Sunset

Neha Kent
Elyse Haren
Rochella Brown
Kevin Bowers
Ian Hopkinson

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